Antiques Fair



The Antiques Fair (also called Antique Market) takes place in the main streets of Arezzo and more precisely in the historical high and the Piazza Grande where is also carried the famous Giostra del Saracino where four districts compete for the Golden Lance .
The Antique Fair in Arezzo is the first manifestation antiquarian in Tuscany to have regular monthly and long-term success and consolidated over time.
You can find furniture, ceramics, porcelain, jewelry, glass, textiles, clocks, sculptures, paintings, objects made of iron or copper, as well as trinkets and curiosity among the most varied
Piazza delle Poste Via Guido Monaco.
Alongside the stalls of the Fair the antique shops of Arezzo exhibit selected pieces of great value and offer more marked specialization for collectors and connoisseurs: furniture and furnishings, paintings, of every age, and then jewelry, watches silverware, books and prints , modern, scientific instruments, radios and gramophones, musical instruments, toys.
An event that attracts to Arezzo a significant number of tourists intrigued by the variety and colors carried by antiquarians who invade the streets of downtown.
